Thursday, 13 October 2011

Technical Analysis (2)

For my second analysis i will be discussing the visual effects and concepts of Kanye West's video; Good Life, which could also give my group plenty of ideas to use. Similarly to Calvin Harris's video, it does not have a narrative and is bright and colour most of the music video is based on the main singer Kanye West. The whole concept of the video is that the imagery all relates to every single lyric of the song. The editing plays a huge part in the technique of this video.  The music video for "Good Life" was directed by Jonas & François with animation by So-Me. The video was the recipient of several awards nominations, winning "Best Hip-Hop Video" at the BET Hip Hop Awards and "Best Special Effects in a Video" at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Throughout the video the shots vary, from long shots to show the backgorund of the lyrics forming, to close-ups and mid shots.  The camera angle that the director has used is in most of the scenes are an eye level shot, the camera has been kept 5-7 feet off the ground so the singers head is on a level with the focus. In most of the video not many camera movements have been used to focus on the singers, however as the director has gone for a 3D feel and look to the video sometimes a Pan is used to exaggerate on the effects of the background. For example when the rolercoaster animation is coming towards the screen , the camera slowly pans to the right and moves from left to right as if it has been crashed into.  Camera effects that have been used is the use of wordart moving on the screen as if it is a speech bubble. These are creative and fun and appeal to a wider audience.
In the video i believe that only two scenes have been used which is a plain white background and than a black background which emphasizes the special effects ,  the white scene may connote the day time and pictures show what America has to offer in the day and all of the good things about life in america, the black scene shows what it is like at night showing lots of casino signs and cocktail neon lights, even fireworks as special effect to connote that they are having an even better time at night.  However, in the video both singers are presented in black and white, this could be to emphasize all of the colorful things in the background that tend to make them happy. 

As the video focuses on the editing more no props have been used at all in this video it must have been very simple to create with the help of a good photoshop user. The clothes that the singers are both wearing are leather jackets and sunglasses this could possibly represent that they have a lot of money, the female dancer that has been used in the video is also wearing black leotard with fishnet tights and heels, this could be to connote that the 'rich' males get alot of female attention. The lighting that has been used in making the video i assume to have been bright light at first to make the white background stand our and then towards the end of the video to be low key lighting in order to make the background fade in with the singers and dancers. 

This video has influenced the design of our electro-house music video to use plenty of colours and minimal scenes just like in the calvin harris music video. The aim is to create an emotion of fun and happiness and create a sense of the 'high-life'. Costumes such as sunglasses like in this video could also be used , with any girl dancers wearing colourful leotards.

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