Wednesday 30 November 2011

Costume/ Prop List

The costumes that we used for the dancers were all similar, most of the filming was random so they were already wearing costume that we thought fitted the genre.
  • lace leotard
  • red heels
  • converses black/white
  • crop tops
  • black shorts
  • Checked shirts
  • jeans
  • hi-top trainers
  • black shirts
  • black trousers
  • pink tie
  • plimpsols/ trainers/ smart shoes
  • snapback / wooly hat
  • colourful jackets
Our video is mainly based on dancing and a performance so we didnt use many props, the only props we did use was a frame so that we can use the zoom effect onto, and also the blue screen in the college to make sure the background did not interfere with the dancers whilst editing.

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